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28th February 2024

by Rehab Directory

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Does Cocaine Make You Paranoid?

There’s plenty of evidence to support that long-term use of cocaine can cause significant symptoms physiologically, often impacting an individual’s key organs and leading to life-threatening conditions such as heart attack and stroke. As well as physiological impacts, cocaine use can develop psychological impacts to the brain and create behavioural changes in an individual’s personality. We discuss whether cocaine is a key cause of psychosis, common symptoms of psychosis and how it can be treated to prevent symptoms from worsening over time.

What is Psychosis?

Psychosis refers to a condition where an individual experiences reality differently to what is happening around them, often causing a delusional state where they can experience various symptoms such as hallucinations, or disorganised thoughts.

Psychosis is a serious condition that can alter an individuals’ brain chemistry and change their personality indefinitely as the condition worsens over time.

Can Cocaine Cause Drug-Induced Psychosis?

There have been studies that indicate that cocaine-induced psychosis is a type of mental illness that is worsened by extensive cocaine use.

According to the National Institute of Health statistics, psychosis such as hallucinations or delusions are reported by 29% to 52% of cocaine users and can be related to an imbalance of dopamine in the body.

What are the Symptoms of Cocaine Psychosis?

During cocaine-induced psychosis, individuals can experience a range of symptoms whilst in a delusional state including:

• fluctuating confusion
• sweating and blood pressure changes
• paranoia
• depression
• hallucinations
• agitated behaviour
• suspiciousness

Ways to Prevent Cocaine Psychosis Symptoms

There are a few ways in which withdrawal symptoms can be eased and prevent from worsening over time.

First and foremost, withdrawing from cocaine is the most effective method for reducing psychosis symptoms, However, to reduce the intensity of withdrawal symptoms this must be done when supervised by medical professionals, Doing this without professional assistance can be difficult and lead to relapse and continuous drug use.

If symptoms persist following withdrawal from cocaine use, it is suggested that medication can be used to help reduce delirium such as haloperidol, a dopamine blocker.

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